“Mommy penalty” and “Daddy bonus” in law firms

I haven’t heard of those terms before, but apparently they exist.

See http://www.lawyersweekly.ca/index.php?section=article&articleid=820&rssid=4

3 responses to ““Mommy penalty” and “Daddy bonus” in law firms

  1. Could it be that mothers who are lawyers work, on average, fewer hours and are therefore paid less? I don’t at all favor a pay gap, but there must be better reasons than “perception”.

  2. The wage gap is very well documented in the U.S. and is not tied to hours worked, but I can certainly understand how Mother’s would be pulled away from the office more. Unfortunately, it is simple sexism at it’s best.

  3. This has been an issue in every industry and continues to be an issue. While I think it is getting better, the sexism is not gone from the job market. We have a lot of work to close that gap, but we need to make it happen.

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