Upcoming movie: Tilda Swinton as in-house chief counsel

movies“Michael Clayton” is a new movie opening in October 2007 starring George Clooney as a New York corporate lawyer. *Swoon* 

Another famous cast member is the striking Tilda Swinton as an in-house chief counsel. *Cheers*  Swinton has a reputation for playing challenging or risk-taking roles so this is a performance that I am eager to see.  I thought she was amazing as the Archangel Gabriel in the Keanu Reeves movie “Constantine”.  Here is the Official site for “Michael Clayton.”

One response to “Upcoming movie: Tilda Swinton as in-house chief counsel

  1. Pingback: Swinton Wins Academy Award For Best Supporting Actress In Female Lawyer Role « Women In Law Daily

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